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- /*********************** Doom Image Editor v1.1 ****************************/
- -Disclaimer:
- By reading this file DIE.DOC and/or installing it, you hereby
- acknowledge you the reader are wholly responsible in every way
- shape or form for any effects the user (you) incur. I have made
- every reasonable effort to insure DIE executes correctly.
- -Updates for DIE v1.1:
- - added mouse speed settings to die.cfg.
- - added check for mouse on startup.
- - added visual for image load\save status.
- - the executable is now named DIE.EXE (no more version numbers to type).
- -Stuff I forgot in the last version:
- - DIE is FREEWARE. Use it, distribute it, upload it,
- but don't exploit it. Don't act like it's yours and make others
- pay a fee (dollars) for you giving it to them. That is not cool.
- I released this as FREEWARE, and it shall stay that way. If you
- think you need to have someone pay for you to sit on your butt
- and copy it to diskette...that's bull. However, if you need to milk
- .50 cents out of 'em for a diskette, I suppose that makes sense.
- - If you haven't figured it out yet, the right mouse button chooses the
- color to paint with, and the left button drops the pixel onto the
- image. and the ESCAPE key gets you out.
- I apologize for this oversight on my part. In the world of
- point-and-grunt these days, I assumed end users are born with
- a mouse in their hand. (addleminded....sorrry).
- - DIE has been tested on three different machines.
- -Intel (c) 486 DX - 33, 4M RAM, AMI BIOS (c), TRIDENT(c) vga card,
- Smartdrive (c) running.....
- - worked fine.
- -TANDY (c) 386 SX - 25, 4M RAM, Phoneix (c) BIOS (I think),
- Stacker (c) running, (and other TANDY hardware).....
- - worked fine.
- -AMD (c) 386 DX - 40, 4M RAM, AMI BIOS (c), TRIDENT (c) vga card,
- Smartdrive (c) running....
- - worked fine.
- I also ran DIE under the MS Windows(c) environment flawlessly.
- (on the 486).
- I have covered numerous machine configurations to verify DIE
- will run correctly on different environments. if it doesn't run
- on yours, I have done all I can do.
- (it ran on a tandy for god's sake)
- Any bugs I find will be fixed in due time.
- - It was suggested Jeff Miller (WADTOOLS) might not appreciate his
- program being included in the DIE package. In post
- reflection upon this, I should have mentioned in the FILE IDZ
- you need to dl his program in order to use DIE. I apologize to
- Mr. Miller if this is indeed the case. Future versions of DIE
- will require the user download the WADTOOLS program written by
- Jeff Miller.
- -What it is:
- DIE (Doom Image Editor) is a utility for the seemingly endless
- tools for the DOOM wad.
- (The game DOOM ain't gonna die out for a looonnggg time.)
- You can Export an Image from WADTOOLS (c) Jeff Miller 1994, and
- Import it to DIE. Then you can paint all over it, Import it back
- to WADTOOLS, and Shazam. Custom walls.
- DIE only works with raw DOOM.WAD data.
- If you have the Shareware Version <sigh> (still..). Register DOOM.
- DIE will not work with the Shareware version in keeping with
- ID software's request to limit hacks to the registered version.
- At this point, DIE is a point and grunt paint program. You are
- limited to pixel by pixel painting. If you wanna gripe, go ahead.
- Be glad all these DOOM hackers are keeping you griper leeches
- satisfied !
- -How to use it:
- (where this file notes < > for explaining configuration info, do not
- include the "< >". They are used only for illustration.)
- There should be four files in the DIE011.ZIP package:
- DIE .EXE - Doom Image Editor.
- DIE .DOC - What you is reading.
- DIE .DAC - Image of the DAC registers.
- DIE .CFG - DIE'S configuration file.
- Bark up your favorite text editor, and change (in DIE.CFG) the line:
- doomdir <path_to_wadfile\wadname>
- to be set to the path of your DOOM.WAD file with the name of your
- main DOOM.WAD tacked to the end. (doomdir c:\doom\doom.wad).
- I did this so you can have a separate directory for DIE, other than
- you DOOM directory. (Mine is soooooooo full of stuff.....).
- Also, set the desired mouse speed at the line:
- mouse <x_speed> <y_speed> <sensitivity>
- - x, y, and sensitivity can range from 1 to 100.
- go into WADTOOLS (c) Jeff Miller 1994, and find your image to EXPORT.
- give it an extension too, if you want.
- Execute DIE like this: DIE <Image_exported>
- If I exported SKY1.DOM from WADTOOLS, (I export mine with extensions),
- I would type
- You will then see a checking of the mouse driver, and a status of
- the image loading. (or an error message if you made a mistake).
- If the file you are loading already exists in the current directory
- with the extension of .DIE, you will be asked if you want to
- continue; this means the file will be overwritten if you save it
- at the end.
- You should then have the image on the screen, a "color bar", and the
- mouse cursor (yes, I KNOW it's ugly in mode 13h, but it turns off
- when you are drawing).
- When you grunt on a color with the right mouse button, a small box
- will appear in the lower left corner of the screen in the color
- you chose. This is the current drawing color. You may also choose
- a color from the image.
- Use the left mouse button to color a pixel, and the F1 key will
- redraw the screen (if you get sloppy).
- When you hit escape, you will be prompted to save the image. This
- is done regardless. Even if you didn't change the image.
- You will then have a file in the current directory with the .DIE
- extension. This is the file to import back into WADTOOLS.
- -Wuz next:
- I'm _thinking_ maybe cut and paste parts of images, shapes maybe,
- fonts so I can actually print to the screen....whole lotta ways to go.
- Probably implement the enemy image editing first, though.
- DIE wuz coded in Borland C v3.1. As far as I know, BC doesn't
- support mode 13h. All my calls had to be coded into assembly
- language. (I do have kind of a nice library now, though).
- Only after I started coding DIE, did I find the lib of bitchin' -ness.
- I decided to continue to grunt with mode 13h, but once I get
- my <sigh> homework out of the way, (due 3 weeks ago)
- I'll probably recode the whole mess with Abrash's info on mode-x.
- /************************* Thanks go to: ************************************/
- Jeff Miller
- Nice program Jeff. Without your exporting, DIE
- would by dead. <pun, grin, grin>
- Raphael Quinet quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be
- Another cool program. Good luck on the roll-your-own maps,
- I WILL be watching for it.
- Brendon Wyber (b.wyber@csc.canterbury.ac.nz).
- -DEU
- Your program was inspiring. I've spent many hours in front of it.
- Matt Fell (matt.burnett@acebbs.com)
- Hank Leukart (ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu)
- Without your specs, I would have given up on the pixel format a long
- time ago. These were a real HELP.
- AND thanks go to any one else contributing to the Great Doom Hack,
- may your BFG never go limp.
- ****************************************************************************/